About Our Team

Brandon House Nursing Home has 31 members of staff: 25 of whom are directly involved with providing care for our Residents. Between them they have over 100 years of care experience. All our Senior Carers hold an NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care and more than 55% of staff hold an NVQ Level 2 and others are working towards it.

The Manager who has been with us for under a year and has over 27 years experience oversees the day to day running of the home. Senior Carers and Carers tend to the care of residents.

The Head Office is responsible for dealing with fees and clients personal allowance, suppliers’ invoices and payroll.

Domestic and Maintenance personnel are to ensure the home is a safe and clean environment at all times following the regulations set by COSHH and HSE.

Our cooks work on alternate days preparing and providing meals to our residents 3 times a day to meet each individual dietary need.

Brandon House Nursing Home invests in a wide range of training for all our staff members, not only do we complete the mandatory training, we also complete additional training courses such as Catheter Care, Challenging Behaviour, Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool, Dysphasia, Common Health Problems, End of Life Care and much more. All our staff re-train every year in dementia to keep our knowledge up to date to ensure we provide the best care.

Therapeutic activities are available for all our residents including those living with dementia; these include the normal recreational events. Activities are planned and actioned through our Activities Co-ordinator; a 4 weekly plan is available.

Our Mission And Vision

Brandon House’s principle aim is to provide care to all Residents to a standard of excellence which embraces fundamental principles of Good Care Practice. This may be witnessed and evaluated through the practice, conduct and control of quality care in the Home. It is a fundamental ethos that those residents who live in Alt Park should be able to do so in accordance with the home’s Statement of Values.

It is the objective of the home that Residents shall live in a clean, comfortable and safe environment, and be treated with respect and sensitivity. Staff will be responsive to the individual needs of residents and will provide appropriate level of care to ensure good quality of life within the Home.

We are committed to shaping local dementia care and have people living with dementia lead happier lives.

Your home

Brandon House Nursing Home aims to provide its Residents with a secure, relaxed, and homely environment in which their care, well-being and comfort is of prime importance.

Carers will strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all Residents within a warm and caring atmosphere, and in so doing will be sensitive to the Residents’ ever-changing needs. Such needs may be medical / therapeutic (for physical and mental welfare), cultural, psychological, spiritual, emotional and social, and Residents are encouraged to participate in the development of their individualised Care Plans in which the involvement of family and friends may be appropriate and is greatly valued.

All Care Staff within the Home will be appropriately qualified to deliver the highest standards of care. A continuous staff training programme is implemented to ensure that these high standards are maintained in line with the latest initiatives and developments in Care Practices as may be laid down in appropriate legislation, regulations and Care Standards.

This will be achieved through programmes of activities designed to encourage mental alertness, self esteem, social interaction with other residents and with recognition of the following core values of care which are fundamental to the Philosophy of our Home:



Brandon House is situated in beautiful countryside on the outskirts of the Leeds. The Home has been converted from a Country House and buildings adjoining the original house have been added on more recently.

The Home has three large lounges and a large patio area where Residents can participate in various activities. Our wheelchair accessible enclosed garden area strives to include all our Residents including those living with Dementia. There are 39 single rooms and 3 double rooms, the majority with an en-suite bathroom or toilet. Every room has central heating, nurse call system, modern fire detection, telephone and television point.

The home is set on two floors, with one large EMI unit located on the ground floor and a smaller EMI unit next to the Nursing unit, which is also located on the ground floor. A large lounge and dining room is situated on the ground floor, and another lounge and dining area is situated within both EMI units. All areas are fitted with domestic furniture and lighting. The well-manicured garden at the front of Brandon House gives a calm and serene ambience. For the exclusive use of our Residents a 1950’s style village has been created which includes a Post Office, a sweet shop and a greengrocer. 25 of our rooms have en- suite facilities and there are ample toilet facilities and bathing areas provided, within close proximity to all residents. For those residents who need help with bathing we have bathrooms which are easily accessible for staff and service users.

Specialist equipment, which includes hoists, grab rails and aids, have all been provided to maximise the independence of our service users. Doorways which require wheelchair access all have the required opening width.

Our main lounge is equipped with a flat screen colour television and our garden provides a relaxing and quiet environment for residents to rest or meet relatives. The EMI lounges are also equipped with a flat screen colour television. The dining rooms are well laid out with wooden dining tables and part upholstered chairs.

Our ground floor area has been adapted to suit the needs of all Service Users living with Dementia. There are 2 secure units comprising of 14 bedrooms, two lounges and two dining areas. Also, our corridors are filled with Memory Lane photos, reading corners and other interesting features to help our Residents living with Dementia to stay stimulated.